Top 10 Bad Guys Turned Good in Film

Hello, Toby Gold here and welcome to another Top 10 List. Today, I'll be telling you my Top 10 Bad Guys Turned Good in Film. For this list, I've chosen movie characters who started off as really nasty people, only to prove that they have some good in them. If you haven't seen the movie, there may be spoilers ahead, so you have been warned. So, let's get started! 10. Anton Ego - Ratatouille (2007) In Disney/Pixar's rat-infested cooking film Ratatouille , the late, great Peter O'Toole lends his voice to Anton Ego, an imperious food critic who has ruined many great restaurants with negative reviews. Namely, his downgrading of Gusteau's, a famous restaurant in Paris, sent the portly chef to an early grave. Later, Remy, a culinary genius in the form of a rat, travels to Paris to fulfill his dream of becoming a chef. Working behind the scenes (or hat), Remy and garbage boy Alfredo Linguini form a partnership, and the two make a dish that causes Ego ...